Our Mission
The Black Inclusion Association (BIA) is an anti-racist, anti-oppressive collective that seeks equity and social justice for Black youth and young adults in Canada. BIA is dedicated to addressing institutional racism by facilitating safe and empowering spaces for its target demographic. BIA also provides opportunities that support Black youth and young adults in their pursuit of higher education. At BIA, we are committed to advocacy for policies and institutional processes that enhance equity in Canada. Through these efforts, BIA supports the structural elevation of Black youth and young adults.
What We Do
Furthering our mission is the Black Inclusion Association's primary focus. We seek to support and structurally elevate Black youth and young adults in Alberta. Our success isn’t measured in terms of wealth or profits, but by our ability to address the needs of Black youth and young adults.
The Black Inclusion Association is passionate about providing Black youth with equal access to education opportunities. That is why we developed the Post-Secondary Application Bursary (PSAB). PSAB removes a major systemic barrier by covering costs related to post-secondary applications. This allows Black highschool students to gain access to higher learning institutions.
At the Black Inclusion Association, we are dedicated to the inclusion of Black voices in dominant narratives. We center Black voices through community focused, needs-based events. Our annual event, BlackFest features Black artists, performers, and businesses. Forums that we have hosted include: The Keystones of Healthy Relationships, The Intersectionality of Blackness, and Destigmatizing Black Mental Health.
The foundational purpose of our organization is to amplify the voices of Black Calgarians. Advocacy is something that we take very seriously, and our team is working each and every day to amplify Black voices.
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Our Logo
BIA's logo is a Ghanaian Adinkra symbol that represents one of our key visions: Unity in Diversity.